Staying Healthy this Flu Season—6 simple steps
It’s that time of year again—flu season. Between the time where the kids are getting off to school again and spring break, it’s that time of year when the flu seems to affect our daily lives again. So, here’s some helpful tips on how to keep you and your family healthy this flu season. 1) Wash your hands frequently, and avoid the anti-bacterial products Flu is a virus, not a bacteria; and you have normal flora (bacteria that’s supposed to be there) on your skin that helps as the first line of defense. Using regular hand soap and washing with really warm water for 30 seconds will do the trick to get rid of the virus before it has a chance to infect you. 2) Get plenty of sleep Your brain heals and repairs your body when you achieve “REM” (or, deep) sleep. So, be sure to have good “sleep hygiene” to ensure a good night’s rest. Good habits include, but are not limited to: avoid glowing screens a half hour before bed, have the same bed time routine each night...